Ecco perché più di 1903 padroni di cani entro i 10 kg stanno ripudiando le pettorine (anche quelle ad H) dopo aver visto le radiografie delle ossa dei loro pelosetti…

Ecco perché più di 1903 proprietari di cani entro i 10 kg stanno ripudiando le pettorine (anche quelle ad H) dopo aver visto le radiografie delle ossa dei loro pelosetti…

Continua a leggere per scoprire il nuovo tipo di imbracatura, inventato da un' azienda milanese, che lascia il tuo cagnolino libero di scorrazzare in libertà e sicurezza…

E non essere costretto/a a ricorrere a collari a strozzo e altri abomini

Caro Compagno di un 4 zampe,

Se anche tu (come me) possiedi un cane di piccola taglia…

Sai bene quanto è bello portarseli in giro…

Letteralmente dappertutto…

Come se fossero i nostri figli!

Anche se molti li tengono sempre in braccio…

O in borsine apposite (carinissime)…

Hanno bisogno anche loro di muoversi!

Come ti sentiresti se dovessi stare tutto il giorno fermo immobile?

Per quanto possiamo educarli,  però…

Non possiamo prevedere dove li porta il loro istinto…

Ecco perché a volte è necessario (con gentilezza ma in maniera decisa)...

“Correggere” la loro traiettoria…

Soprattutto per proteggerli dagli agguati dei cani più grossi!

Per fare questo…

Ad oggi abbiamo 3 alternative:

Collari a strozzo

Per quanto molti “travestano” il nome parlando di collare a scorrimento…

In realtà è un vero e proprio strangolamento!

Uno studio ha evidenziato questi possibili danni*:

  • Lesioni a trachea ed esofago
  • Traumi alla cervicale
  • Lesione ai vasi sanguigni dell’occhio
  • Paralisi temporanea delle zampe davanti
  • Atassia delle zampe posteriori (non riesce a controllare i movimenti)
  • Svenimenti


Per capire cosa sente ogni volta…

Prova a premere con le dita per qualche istante sulla gola…

Fastidioso, vero?

Prova ora a moltiplicare quel fastidio per le infinite volte in cui…

Volontariamente o meno…

Devi tirare il tuo cagnolino in passeggiata!

Senza contare che sfilarselo è un gioco da ragazzi…

Tu non hai idea di quanti padroni ho visto camminare da soli con il guinzaglio!

Collari tradizionali

Stesso discorso!
Immagina che ti trascinino tutto il giorno per il collo…


I danni al collo, respiratori e alla spina dorsale potrebbero essere irreversibili…

E potresti (involontariamente) causare enormi e costanti sofferenze al tuo cucciolo!

Sapevi che…

Il collare non gli permette di fare amicizia con gli altri?

Se lui tira per andare verso un amico…

E tu lo tiri…

Assumerà una posizione impettita, che nel linguaggio dei cani è un comportamento ostile e quindi l’altro cane potrebbe addirittura attaccarlo!

Quindi non solo non può fare amicizia…

Ma è anche attaccato dai suoi simili!

Lui (o lei) non può parlare!

Per quanto tu lo/la faccia (involontariamente) soffrire…

Non riuscirà mai a fartelo capire esplicitamente…

Quindi dobbiamo essere noi a capirlo!

Lo confesso…

Anche io usavo i collari tradizionali…

Però mi è venuto letteralmente lo schifo un sabato mattina…

Portando la mia Becky al mercato.
Lei stava annusando un fiore ed era particolarmente concentrata…

Dopo aver tirato forte, si è fermata all'improvviso e ha iniziato a tossire e respirare in maniera anomala…

Come se avesse l’asma, per circa un minuto…

Sembrava come se si stesse strozzando.

Da quel momento non ho più voluto sentirne.

La soluzione più popolare negli ultimi anni è la pettorina…

Soprattutto quella ad h…

Che è perfetta per gli animali di media e grande taglia…



Potrebbe non essere adatta per i cani di piccola taglia!

Ovvero entro i 10 kg

Infatti, le pettorine tradizionali…

Producono pressione e sfregamento nelle ascelle…

Il che può causare lesioni ai muscoli e irritazioni dei nervi…

In alcuni casi la paralisi permanente.

**leggi lo studio:

Perché succede questo?

Per 3 motivi:


Il movimento delle spalle è limitato dalla pettorina…

Questo causa uno sforzo maggiore alle articolazioni (soprattutto a quelle del gomito)


La cintura toracica scivola via dallo sterno…

Premendo su articolazioni molto delicate tra costole e sterno


Scivolando via dallo sterno…

La cintura toracica va a premere anche sulle ascelle…

Qua scorrono importanti nervi e vasi sanguigni che riforniscono le gambe...

Ecco perché possono manifestarsi lesioni ai muscoli, irritazioni dei nervi e paralisi!

Da persone coscienti e reali amanti degli animali

Non potevamo tollerare di lesionare il nostro amore…

Ogni volta che andavamo a spasso!

Ecco perché, dopo mesi di studi, ricerche, prove e consulti con addestratori, allevatori eveterinari

abbiamo inventato e depositato

Un nuovo modello di pettorina, originale ediversa da qualsiasi altra ad oggi presente sul mercato.

Per identificarla meglio l’abbiamo chiamata Pettorina Bustier, vista la specifica forma a bustier.

Quando un cliente ci chiede se la pettorina Pupakiotti è scapolare, ad H, a X, a Y o a croce noi rispondiamo:
 a Bustier!

Pettorina Pupakiotti

Visto su:

Cosa la differenzia?

Forma brevettata “a Bustier”

N.Deposito: 84180

1. Lascia libera la trachea, le costole e lo sterno
2. Segue la naturale forma delle scapole
3. Non irrita la pelle del cane

Proteggi la sua pelle

Interni in Soft Touch

Si appoggiano delicatamente sulla pelle del cane…Evitando quasi completamente la formazione di nodi.Inoltre, gli accessori metallici non vanno a contatto con pelle e pelo

Comoda e pratica

Sistema a doppia regolazione

Su entrambi i lati

Tutela la salute delle sue ossa

Punto di trazione centrato

Così facendo sei sicuro/a che ogni volta che lo tiri…

Stai facendo pressione su un punto sicuro per la sua postura.

Abbiamo a cuore TUTTI gli animali e il pianeta

Pettorina Bustier Pupakiotti è un prodotto sostenibile

Selezioniamo solo pelli di animali da allevamento a scopi alimentari

Prediligiamo conce, tinture e trattamenti naturali e vegetali

Evitiamo o riduciamo al minimo l'uso di materie plastiche

E cerchiamo di far sì che i prodotti che compri durino il più possibile, così riduciamo l’inquinamento!

A questo punto potresti chiederti…

“Chi siete voi?”

Pupakiotti è fondato da una coppia di imprenditori di Milano, attivi nel settore moda da oltre 20 anni.

E’ nato nel 2017 dalla volontà di rispondere a quattro principali esigenze:

- reale comfort per il cane
- funzionalità per chi li accompagna
- qualità italiana
- design originale, identificabile e riconoscibile

Cosa dice chi ci ha già provato

Recensioni dai nostri clienti

Visto su:

Come cambia la vita del tuo cucciolotto da oggi

1. Finalmente puoi portarlo in giro con sicurezza

Rispettando l’ergonomia del suo corpo e della sua struttura ossea

2. Puoi tirarlo senza ferirlo

Anche in un momento di pericolo, ad esempio l'aggressione di un cane o l’arrivo di unabicicletta,
puoi sollevarlo anche bruscamente in totale sicurezza,
grazie all’imbracatura Pupakiotti

3. Il tuo cagnolino sarà più felice!

Finalmente può passeggiare senza più quel corpetto che gli impediva di annusare, muoversi e fare amicizia!

Se lo vedi scodinzolare ancora più del solito, sai il perché!

Domande Frequenti

Alcuni ci dicono…

“Ma il mio cane non tira più di tanto!”

Vero, però prova a immaginare quanto è delicato il collo di uno scricciolo di 6 chili…

E quanti strattoni riceve…

Anche banalmente per annusare un fiore, un amichetto o una persona!

Inoltre, con le pettorine e i guinzagli…

Se devi tirarlo via improvvisamente (per esempio se passa una macchina o un bambino un po’ troppo curioso)...

Lo trascinerai sempre per il collo o le costole!
Invece con la pettorina Pupakiotti puoi sollevarlo facendo leva sul petto, senza ripercussioni!

P.s. per capirci, è come quando sollevi un neonato…Spesso fai leva sul petto, giusto?

Per chi non è adatta la pettorina Pupakiotti

Sconsigliamo l'uso per cani di peso superiore di 16 kg o cuccioli e adulti di razze che tirano particolarmente forte, quali ad esempio:
boxer, pitbull, cani da caccia, ecc.


1. è importante portare con noi i nostri pelosetti in totale sicurezza;

2. Sia il collare a strozzo che il collare tradizionale che le pettorine tradizionali non garantiscono la sicurezza del cane;

3. I prodotti che si trovano comunemente sul mercato esercitano pressione su punti sensibili per i nostri cuccioli 
(specialmente il collo e le costole)
e possono causare danni permanenti e sofferenze che non si meritano;

4. la pettorina Pupakiotti è l’unica imbracatura pensata appositamenteper i cani di piccola taglia fino a 16 kg, che rispetta la loro struttura ossea e conformazione.

Garanzia Soddisfatti o Rimborsati 30 giorni

Ti garantiamo che il tuo piccolo amerà la sua nuova pettorina Pupakiotti…

Oppure puoi restituirlo a nostre spese entro 30 giorni!

Scopri le garanzie Pupakiotti

Il Best Seller

La pettorina Pupakiotti

Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs
Basic. Ergonomic and adjustable leather harness for dogs

Pagamento alla consegna disponibile

Il miglior affare

Set Pettorina Completo

Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pezzi. Pettorina e guinzaglio con porta sacchetti in pelle per cane
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser
Basic. Set 3 pcs. Leather harness and leash with waste bags dispenser

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